Our Christian Vision
At Rosley Church of England Primary School, our vision is ‘we are kind and compassionate to one another and learn to forgive each other as God forgives us. We trust those around us to work together, aiming high in all we do’ – Ephesians 4:32
We live out our vision by teaching children to show a caring attitude towards others and helping them to become active and responsible members of the community. We want to develop good global citizens who care for the world around them. We create a learning environment where children feel happy, safe and valued.
Our Mission is to ensure that every pupil will have equal opportunity to achieve their maximum potential through:
- an educational experience which aims for the highest standards and quality
- a supportive, challenging and stimulating environment
- a broad balanced curriculum appropriate to children in the Early Years and Foundation Stage, and Key Stages 1 and 2 of the National Curriculum
- a solid foundation of knowledge and skills, and sound preparation for the next stage of education
- access to all areas of the curriculum
- the enjoyment of learning
Recognising the development of the ‘whole’ child we encourage:
- self-esteem and independence
- co-operation, partnership and team work
- an awareness of personal growth, achievement and progression
Click on this link to read our Mission Statement
Our Aims
When they leave Rosley Church of England Primary School, we aim for our children to:
- achieve the highest possible academic standards
- experience an environment that stimulates interest and motivates learning
- reflect upon their learning and strive to be the best they can be
- understand and experience Christian values in action
- work collaboratively with respect for others, celebrating difference and diversity
- develop confidence in independent work and thought
- take on an active role within the community
Our Values
Throughout all aspects of school life at Rosley, we explore the Christian values and use these as our guide, using Jesus as our role model. When faced with challenges, we consider: what would Jesus do? Out of the Christian Values, we have chosen four core values which underpin our Christian Vision:
Compassion Friendship Trust Forgiveness
We develop children’s knowledge and understanding of these values and the wider Christian Values through Collective Worship.